Utilizing the latest in XML and imaging technologies, Microfile XE is a next-generation document imaging and management solution that can meet the requirements of organizations of all
Microfile XE features a multi-tier, multi-server distributed design architecture that makes the system highly scalable and flexible. Installations can be as simple as a single machine
setup or as complex as multiple servers spread over different parts of the world, linked by the Internet or VPN For large organizations, a group of Web servers can be set up to handle
user service and communication with a separate set of back-end database servers. Content files can be saved in an unlimited number of FTP servers.
For an organization with multiple regional offices, not all branches have large budgets to set up production-scale document imaging equipment. Microfile XE solves this problem with
Microfile's DADT (Distributed Asynchronous Document Transfer) technology. Remote branch offices can use low cost PC and scanners to scan documents locally and then upload documents to
designated servers that can be centralized or distributed over wide geographical areas, eliminating the slow, costly shipping of paper documents from remote offices to a central site.
Utilizing the latest in XML and imaging technologies