Bare Bones Software - Mailsmith

If you already own Mailsmith 2.x and are looking for the free update to version 2.1.5, please go to our .

If you have a previous version of Mailsmith, you can explore your upgrade options .

Now, when you purchase Mailsmith 2.1, you will also get a free copy of , a $25 value!

To purchase new or additional copies of Mailsmith 2.1, . Mailsmith 2.1 is only available as an electronic download.

Mailsmith provides a depth of functionality that makes it an appropriate tool for both casual email users and power users who receive and store thousands of messages. New users will appreciate its graceful and flexible interface, and sophisticated users will find its range of powerful features indispensable from the outset.

Mailsmith makes sending, receiving, and managing email as intuitive and efficient as possible. Offering an unprecedented degree of flexibility, Mailsmith can be customized to serve your needs through its powerful editing, filtering, and searching capabilities. Mailsmith also has extensive scripting support, giving you complete control over your email experience.

Mailsmith is an email client designed by Macintosh users, for Macintosh users.

  • Country:India
  • telephone:91-978-251-0500
Mailsmith is an email client designed by Macintosh users, for Macintosh users.
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