This calculator is aimed at measuring the return on a specific property investment against a required annual return which the user enters. The Net Present Value calculated indicates whether the
investment return exceeds the return that the user requires and the Rand value of the difference in returns.
Please note that the estimated capital growth used is treated as a straight line growth, therefore the average capital growth achieved over the term of the property investment. The calculator uses
this estimation to calculate the selling price at the end of the investment term. Care should therefore be taken when using current market capital growth when looking at longer term investments as
this growth rate might not be achieved for the duration of the investment period.
The user also enters the property bond details, initial costs (can use standard assumptions as well), ongoing cost estimates, rental income estimates, estimated selling costs, income tax profile,
capital gains tax details, estimated capital growth and the required annual return on investment
The user also enters the property bond details, initial costs |