We plan to have our course approved by the government and utilize the funds available in the SDL fund. By doing this our staff would have a recognized training certificate
We are also sensitive to those young men and woman leaving school that requires employment to obtain experience. We prefer to empower these people and teach them our ways before they learn bad habits.
We strongly believe that this business is a technically based company therefore the emphasis on well-trained staff. We aim to be renowned in the industry as being the best technically and organisationally.
Our technical/ operations division consists of qualified personnel dedicated and proud of the work that they do. All the staff as well as junior staff is trained every month. We have set tests that are written by the technical teams to evaluate there understanding of the equipment and systems that they use. Training is of utmost importance to us if we wish to continue to move forward and lead the way in the construction industry.
The following is a list of a few of the courses material.
Our training has the support of other major suppliers namely: BPB Gypsum and Everite. The building principals as laid down by the NHBRC will also be addressed in the course.
The training centers staff all have at least 5 years experience and are trained to work with all types of systems and accommodate most situations. The staff in this department is continually being trained to keep the up to date with the systems and difficulties experienced in the field.
Training Centre:
Our training center will boast the most advanced complete steel framing curriculum. All contractors that plan to utilize this method of building would be required to attend our training school. As
with anything in life, we require a firm to ensure a better future. The training center will have the ability to accommodate for the practical side as well as the theoretical aspects of the system.
How long before all houses are built this way?
The New Paradigm: Timber flooring now concrete
Timber/Steel windows are now aluminum and plastic
Timber fascias now steel
STATISTICS (Erecting Frames)
Assembly: 20 linear meters p/hr p/man
Example : Small House of 140 sqm
3 men take 26 hours/3 days
STATISTICS (Making Frames)
Rollformer: 350-450 linear meters p/hr
Assembly: 80 linear meters p/hr p/man
2-3 hours for a simple house
1-2 days for a complex house
Detail required: Wall openings & doors
Ceilings & roof
Portable for site work
Roll Former Software
Imports structure and generates rollformer instructions.
Prompts operator for frame assembly.
Frame Design Software
Imports models.
Generates frame designs.
CAD Software
Inexpensive & powerful.
Create 3D models.
Create 3D DXF output.
The Technology of Steel Frame Construction
Designing for lightweight steel.
Trussless roof design with frames.
There is no question that previously steel was too hard to work with - and very expensive as a result. This technology changes that paradigm and is well suited to housing. It is most cost efficient when used in conjunction with lightweight steel roofs, but is also effective in heavy roof applications. |
CAD Software Inexpensive & powerful. Create 3D models. Create 3D DXF output. |