c) Saving with Sample Id or Heat No., so easy to find or open report.
b) Direct printout with original image processed image, Graph and results.
a) Own report tool no third party tool required. So easy to operate.
Calculate the C.P.L.I. (Cracks Per Linear Inch)
Graphite flake type, flake size as per ASTM A 247-67.
Measure inclusion as per ASTM E-45, E-1245.
The module analyze grain image and measure the grain no. & grain size using ASTM E 112 method. The methods for measurement available are 1. Manually, 2. Single grain measurement. Various filters to make user defined templates to repair grain boundary.
Measured length of decarburisation as per ASTM 1077 standard.
COATING THICKNESSThis module measures the thickness of a coating at various positions as per ASTM B 487 standard. The results available for min, max and mean of thickness measured at various points of sample cross section.
They are recognized on the basis of its intensity as per ASTM B 276 standard. The measurement of each pore is displayed.
NODULARITYMeasure Nodularity as per ASTM 247 standard. The Nodules and Non Nodules are separated on the basis of roundness. The nodules can be classified with different eight ranges based on area or roundness.
PHASE VOLUME FRACTIONMeasure area fraction & volume fraction. Identify multiple phases within Microstructure. Also draw phases from the histogram as per ASTM standard E 562 & E 1245.
PARTICLE MEASUREMENTSManual, Auto bright and Auto dark methods to identify objects. Various calculation & measurements available for selected particle like Area, Perimeter, length, Width etc.
COUNT AND CLASSIFICATIONIdentification of objects in an image, count them, obtain several features measurements like Length, Width, Area, Roundness etc. Objects identification by user or automatically. User defined classification on basis of size or intensity.
c) Area by enclosed line controlled by four arrow keys available on keyboard arrows with zoomed preview
b) Welding penetration options like draw circle, Line measurements for distance, Length, Width, Perimeter, Area, Angle Three point radius.
a) Calibration
Invert, Brightness, Contrast, Blur, Noise Remove, Smooth, Desaturation, Despeckle, High Boost, Sharp Edges, Find Edges, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Smoothing, Histogram peak, Dilation / Erosion / Opening / Closing on Gray Scale images, Special opening, Skeletonzing, Connect Edges, Skiz, Pruning.
MIAS 4.0
Our superior quality image analysis software having high accuracy, efficiency and durability.