For more info or to find out the times and what seats are available contact Grant on 0837458756.
The mentorship program fee is R 700 per week, please note seats are limited, the fee covers one and a half hours per day and is for five working days.
The mentorship program is being run with the IQ System, and as many as 10 trades may be opened and closed in a single session.
The idea is the mentor trades, and explains what they are doing to manage their positions. Please note this is not an advisory service, but rather watch and learn, however we will endorse you copy the trades on a simulation account, but we will not be held responsible if you copy the mentor with a real account.
The mentorship program is exclusive to clients, clients need to attend all training before they attend the mentorship program, as its important to understand market theory and the strategies that the mentor is using.
The Mentorship program is designed to help clients visually time the markets better and understand how the markets work as well as most importantly how to manage money.
Mentorship programs are now being held at our head offices in Durban, Cape Town and Pretoria.
IQ System - Mentorship Programs:
For required documents .
In order to open a trading account overseas, IQuote Trading has set up an association with Kelly and Kinder. For a fee of
R300, Kelly and Kinder will help to finalise a Tax clearance certificate with regard to international investments as well as a fully transactional bank account with Lloyds TSB.
Training Sessions offered:
The system offers:
This is the perfect product for day traders, Swing Traders AND Scalpers. When you can make an average net profit of 5-10% in 5-10minutes, over night risk is a thing of the past.
All InstaQuote and IQuote Trading clients may receive the platform for free.
We believe the IQ System is the most user friendly, low cost and dynamic platform currently in SA. |