With over 500,000 seats sold worldwide, the NComputing user base saves:
Environmental Impact
Because our products deliver green computing and cost less to buy and operate, they address the triple bottom line perfectly. That is, they save you money while they help reduce climate change and
hazardous e-waste. The numbers add up for individual companies. And they can't help but add up for our planet.
Most PCs are disposed of after three to five years. Our virtual desktops last more like ten years. And when you throw out a PC you throw out about 10 kg of waste. NComputing access devices weigh
just 150 grams. So there's less to transport and less e-waste that will find its way to a landfill.
Air Conditioning
Consume less energy and you produce less heat. One of our customers said, "A room full of PCs needs to be air conditioned. A room with shared PCs and NComputing doesn't." Less air conditioning
compounds your savings on your electric bill, and it can save you a big capital expense if that means you don't have to install air conditioning in the first place.
Personal computers draw about 110 watts. NComputing access devices draw only 1 to 5 watts. If you add users to a shared PC, you reduce the energy footprint per user by as much as 99%.
Electricity savings alone can pay for the NComputing virtual desktops in as little as one year.
Modern PCs are wonderfully powerful. But most of that power is wasted because people typically use less than 10% of the available capacity. Unused computing cycles may seem to cost nothing, but dig deeper and you'll find real costs that quickly add up.
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