ApplicationATE Extension Framework
TechnicalVirtual instrument interface
**Optional Web based configure interface
configure interface
Web based server status report (require Apache Web Server) XML based
Common interface for both sync/async API implementation
User extensible API via so/DLL
Parallel processing
Linux and Win32 support
Server side:
Asynchronous commands
Synchronous commands
Open source
Thin client architecture
Client side:
Key Features
IC testing environment is built on legacy operating system such as SunOS 4.
ATEX is open sources. This will minimize the maintenance effort a lot, specially when
code which code be copied into your test programs. In another word, the client side
There is no client side libraries installation required, instead we support sample source
is socket() API which is supported in almost all major IC testing environment.
thin client framework. The only requirement for the client side (IC testing environment)
Learning from experiences we got from previous products, we decide to make ATEX a
external instruments via TCP/IP.
The ATEX is an ATE extension framework which allow IC testing environment to connect
The ATEX is an ATE extension framework which allow IC testing environment to connect
external instruments via TCP/IP.