Advantage Mobile Operators
Eterno's products promise mobile operators increased air time, heavier all-around usage, service differentiation and customer loyalty - all key factors in increasing the revenue made from operating
a network. Market studies have proven that users are not only enthusiastic about innovative value-added mobile solutions, but are also willing to pay more for such services. Our cutting edge
solutions take full advantage of high bandwidth mobile technologies and enhanced mobile handsets. Investments in such unique value-added mobile applications are not only warranted but wise, as they
are destined to have short payback periods and enable operators to secure a strong market position.
The Music Companion lets mobile users browse music on their handsets in their preferred Indian language. The user can preview and download music, ring-tones and even mp3 songs by using a simple Indian language-based interface. Ushering in a new generation of mobile telephony, the Eterno Music Companion also supports digital rights management.
The Music Companion lets mobile users browse music on their handsets in their preferred Indian language.