OFSY Healthcare is a comprehensive package that includes various modules which cater to different functional areas of healthcare clinics & institutions. It's fully integrated PMS,
CMS, Laboratory, Radiology, Nursing, Pharmacy modules enables smooth hospital administration.
Patient Management System
PMS captures complete and relevant patient information during registration Takes care of all the activities and functions pertaining to Outpatient Management i.e, Patients
Appointments, Daily / Weekly Schedule Summary, Appointment Scheduling / Rescheduling
Information on Clinical Service Details, Group / Package Registration Facility Provides data pertaining to Inpatient Management i.e., Admission of Patients & Ward Management,
Availability of beds, Estimation, Agreement preparation, Collection of advance, Planned admission, Emergency admission Facilitates cashier and billing operations for different
categories of patients like Outpatient, Inpatient. It provides automatic posting of charges related to different services like bed charges, lab tests conducted, medicines issued,
consultant's fee, food, beverage and telephone charges etc.
Clinical Management System
CMS captures information pertaining to Medical Alerts, Consultation, Diagnosis, Medical Observation, Triage Parameters, Investigation/ treatment history, Diagnosis Statistics, Nursing
Notes, Pending Drug Request, Surgery Scheduling Details, Discharge Notification Summary
Laboratory module automates the investigation request and the process involved in delivering the results to the concerned department/ doctor. It enables pathology data management and
instrumentation data acquisition.