Fastwel provides time-unlimited demo version of the product. This Demo version allows user to evaluate this server for particular automation project before purchasing a license. The only restriction of the demo version is inability to store and read configuration files.
Fastwel Modbus OPC Server supports specification and can be used with various HMI/SCADA packages.
Fastwel Modbus OPC Server:
Fastwel Modbus OPC Server is a Windows application providing OPC Data Access interface for networks. On the fieldbus side Fastwel Modbus OPC Server acts as Modbus master and is able to perform reading and writing operations on Modbus slave devices. Server can interact with Modbus RTU/ASCII and Modbus TCP devices simultaneously and supports the following types of data objects defined by Modbus protocol application layer:
OPC server for Modbus RTU/ASCII and Modbus TCP networks