Recover a specific corrupted Email files:Exchange .edb mailEudora MailLotus Notes NSF mailMozilla MailNetscape MailOutlook PST mailOutlook Express 4 and 5 for MacintoshOutlook Express 4, 5 & 6 for WindowsOutlook Express 5 for UNIX/SolarisYahoo! MailMany More......Possible failureMail data corruptedDeletion or cleanup of large mail folderMail data size exceeds the allowed size limitMailbox not openableMailbox was partial overwrittenE-mail has become the most pervasive form ofbusiness communication. Any corruptions and deletionto these emails can lead big hardships to businesscontinuity.We recover emails from deleted or corruptedmailboxes. salvage emails from MicrosoftOutlook (.pst), Exchange OST file (.ost), MicrosoftOutlook Express (dbx, .mbx etc)If you have any email repair and recovery requirements,contact usfor more details
Recover a specific corrupted Email files:Exchange .edb mailEudora MailLotus Notes NSF mailMozilla MailNetscape MailOutloo |