To secure the content safety, as well as to process editing/compiling articles and managing stably and easily, the synchronous data system allows to develop the local server at the same time (hosted in the Editorial office) and Remote server (content publishing server).Activity model:Activity principle:- The two systems shall continuously send messages to synchronize the data and deal with the necessary tasks.- Processing messages in turn on the basic FIFO.Security and problem solving:- Data packages are stored in forms of XML and encoded as RCA 128 Bits. If there is not a lock code for it, the data will be unlikely decoded. This system does not use the fixed lock code. The administrator can change this lock code.- In the event that there is an arising incident, the system shall stop processing data packages temporarily. The system operator can retrieve the latest packages to identify the incident. In the real development, the incidents when synchronizing data are able to be found during the process of constructing the system and during the trial period. After fixing the errors, the system shall automatically process the false data packages and resume the operation.The perfectibility of data:Data are sent in XML to objectives, which mean to include many records of different tables in Database. Thanks to Transaction of SQL Server, data are always securely updated 100% exactly. In case of failure, it does not affect the previous state of information.
To secure the content safety, as well as to process editing/compiling articles and managing stably and easily, the synchronous d