The ISM Code consists of 13 clauses which must be complied with for ISMcertification. The Code provides an international standard for the safemanagement of ships and for pollution prevention. It is expressed in broadterms and may therefore be applied to all types of ships. Top management (the boss) must be committed to safety andenvironmental-protection if the company's safety management system (SMS) isto succeed. If the boss is not committed, the person(s) responsible for ISMmay find it difficult to obtain adequate resources such as personnel, officespace, equipment and time. Also, for the SMS to be successful, companypersonnel, both aboard ship and in the office ashore must believe in safetyand environmental protection. They must be competent and motivated and beready to co-operate with the person or persons responsible for implementingthe SMS as well as with each other.
The ISM Code consists of 13 clauses which must be complied with for ISM. certification. The Code provides an international stand |