Search:Composite HoseColour LD 10 CHEM Green -for Chemical applicationsin general LD 10 OIL Blue -for all Hydrocarbons transfer LD 10 VAP Yellow -for Vapour recoveryWires P = Polypropylene coated mild steel wire Z = Galvanised wire A = Aluminium wireConstructionCOMPOTEC LD 10 hoses are manufactured from Polypropylene and Polyethylene films and fabrics with a weather-proof and abrasionresistant outer cover. All the different layers are wrapped together and tensioned between internal and external wire spirals. This construction gives and exceptionally tough hose with maximum flexiblility, Where exceptionally low weight is requested, hoses with internal or both, internal and external wires in aluminium are available.Characteristics: COMPOTECLD 10 hoses, are designed as general purpose hoses for the transfer of a wide variety of conveyants under suction or pressure. COMPOTEC LD 10 hoses, are used in such applications as low pressure. transfer for road and rail tanker loading and discharging, storage tank and in-plant use. High chemical resistance, durability and strong construction for a long life, but at the same time light and flexible for ease of handling. All hoses are 100% aromatic resistant, antistatic and can be used for suction and discharge. COMPOTEC hoses are fitted with an extensive range of couplings readily available externally swaged with Stainless Steel ferrules.Safety All hoses are tested at 11/2 times rated working pressure for safety and reliability, in accordance with BS 5842;1980 clause 6.4.Full test certification can be supplied on request. Reduce the environmental risk of pollution and cost of spillage thanks to the unique features ofCOMPOTECLD 10hoses. Burst pressure indicated, is at ambient temperature when tested in accordance with BS 5173 section 102.10.1990. Electrical continuity is achieved by the two wires bonded to the end fettings, this helps dissipate accumulated charge and to avoid static flash. The electric resistance of hose assemblies is less than 10 ohms, as required by BS 5842:1980 clause 6.2. It is possible, on request, to offer a range of hoses with fire and flame resistance CL 1, please contactCOMPOTECTechnical Department for further information.Temperature range-200?C+ 80?CSizeMaximumW.PBurstBend RadiusWeightMaximumlenghtmmInchBarpsimmpsimmInchZZAZAAMt4011/210150507508531/21,310.625502101505075012552,91,51256321/2101505075015062,621,325763101505075018573,42,61,625803101505075018573,52,71,72510041015050750275104,63,52,325Note : COMPOTEC hosestype LD 10 OIL AZ, fully complies B.S. 3492:1987, for carrying gasoline, Kerosene, fuel and lubrication oils, inculding aviation fuels with high aromatic content at a temperature up to 80?C. All types are suitable for use with a vacuum not exceeding 0.5 Bar. COMPOTEC LD 10 OIL AZ hose, is defined, according to the Standard descriptions, under type "BX" for all products included in " CLASS 1".Vikram & Co. specialised in all types of hoses such as polypropylene, hydraulic, rubber hose, stainless steel hose, couplings, bellows, expansion joint, and pipe fittings in mumbai India.ProfileProductsEnquiryContact UsSite Map2005-2006 Vikram and Company. All Rights Reserved
Search:Composite HoseColour LD 10 CHEM Green -for Chemical applicationsin general LD 10 OIL Blue -for all Hydrocarbons |