As partof the new requirement bythe DOE, specific industriesare required to develop,install and operate an onlinereporting system that willautomatically transmit CEMSdata to the DOE Data Centeron a scheduled basis. Theonline reporting system,also known as Online-CEMSReporting System or DataInterface System (DIS) comprisesa Data Conversion modulethat will convert raw CEMSdata into a standard datareporting format as stipulatedin the corresponding DOEGuideline and a Data Transmission/Communicationmodule that will transmitthe data to the DOE databasevia dial-up modem or internet.ASMA has more than 10years experience in developingand maintaining onlinereporting system and isthe developer of the DOEOnline CEMS ReportingSystem. We are pleasedto offer our expertisein the development andintegration of this systemwith a guarantee of fullcompliance to thecorresponding DOE Guidelinesat a very competitive price.Our system also comes withmaintenance and upgradeprotection options.
As part of the new requirement by the DOE, specific industriesare required to develop,install and operate an onlinereporting