gPROMS?, for general PROcess Modelling System, is the most advanced general purpose process modelling, simulation and optimisation software available to the process industries today. gPROMS is used for model-based decision support in process and product design and process operations. The key benefits of using gPROMS rather than other modelling systems are: - gPROMS is specifically designed for the exacting requirements of the process industries, with a unique and powerful set of modelling and solution facilities. Process modelling is a highly effective tool for adding value to your process operations with little or no capital expenditure. - gPROMS' powerful custom modelling capabilities allow you to develop a competitive edge by representing your own processes - rather than using off-the-shelf black-box models - to a high degree of accuracy. - gPROMS' open model approach allows you to capture valuable corporate information in usable, maintainable and extendable form - The state-of-the-art gPROMS model libraries mean that you can draw on many years' accumulated expertise in high-fidelity modelling. gPROMS is an advanced process modelling system specifically formulated for the exacting requirements of the process industries. - Facilities cater for all phases of the process lifecycle, from laboratory experimentation through process and detailed engineering to online operations. - Facilities cater for all phases of the model lifecycle, from writing of custom models to deployment in large-scale projects across the organisation - Modelling with gPROMS can help you enhance throughput and product quality, save on operational costs, and ensure compliance with environmental and health and safety requirements. - gPROMS' powerful solution techniques, embodying many hundreds of person-years of R&D, mean that you can model and solve systems with an unprecedented level of detail - Users benefit from PSE's programme of Continuous Innovation, meaning that the technology you are using is continually being advanced to meet your evolving requirements. - You can take advantage of PSE's expert modelling services, thus adding to PSE's experience in a wide range of process applications at affordable rates. This enables you to achieve better process and product designs faster, and better operations. The result is enhanced throughput and product quality and savings on operational costs, while ensuring compliance with environmental and health and safety requirements. In many cases the benefits can be realized with little or no capital expenditure.
general PROcess Modelling System, is the most advanced general purpose process modelling, simulation and optimisation software |