The Obtain Up-to date marketing informations is a complex & time consuming task but it is essistial to have live data such as client's needs, wants and availability of stock/services and maintaining clients relations management to achieve competitive advantages in a highly competitive business world. SIMMS (Sales Information & Marketing Managment System) is designed to deliver such solutions. It has a uique built in Data Base management system where client's can be segmented in various group such as active clients / existing clients, propective clients and suspective clients or potential clients. Then it can be assigned to a respective sales excutive / contact manager to manage day to day transactions of this client. The system will genterate reports ( i.e.Things to do list) to inform the respective sales executive/manager when to call and whom to call, which can be monitored by senior managers of the organization.SIMMS has a comprehensive clients profiles managment system where source of clients can be idetified so that marketing activities such as advertising planning decision can be made effectively and efficiently. The system is also capable of idetifying the extra number of clients obtained from any given journals/magazines/press relesas and advertisements. This helps to concentrate in marketing activities where it is profitable to the organization, therefore saves thousands of dollars.SIMMS also has a buit in sales force management syatem where the team leader/manager can view / print reports of any executive performance/activities. In using collective data from the system the team leader/ sales manager can forecast sales at any given time be any given product name.
The Obtain Up-to date marketing informations is a complex & time consuming task |