Content Management module is designed to require little or no training and no technical web knowledge. We have developed this product to make the process of controlling your web site as easy as possible. In today's day and age your Web viewer demands real-time information and updated content. We empower our client with tools that assist in updating your site. We ensure through a solid database structure that the flexibility we give through our content management systems do not compromise the site design and layout. It looks and feels like all other Windows and web-based software Just point, click, copy or paste.The CMS allows you to quickly change your web site from a static one to a database driven web site. These custom-designed back-ends are made to match the way your company handles content: categories, subcategories, descriptions, etc. Once approved for upload, the software will update your website dynamically: applying all design formatting and structure.
Content Management module is designed to require little or no training and no technical web knowledge. |