WINPPCLData Base Software The WINPPCL software is a Data Base which allows to store, consult and update any Personal Pass systems data and setups. WINPPCL works if connected to the portable programmer PROG2 by means of the same "serial number". It allows the installer to save time programming all Personal Pass system components without leaving his premises. "Personal Pass" systems' setups are then easily transferred and installed in the system by means of PROG2. A new user is quickly enabled thanks to the possibility of creating automatically series of random codes for the programming of blank transmitters. To enable a new user it is sufficient, in fact, programming a blank transmitter with one of the codes already stored in the receiver memory. WINPPCL even performs an automatic check of the new random codes to avoid the duplication of already existing codes. It allows to print all information about users, transmitters, receivers and installations. It allows, jointly with PROGTAG, the programming of VTR proximity keys and VCR passes. It allows to track down a transmitter within the Database viewing the installations in which it is present
The WINPPCL software is a Data Base which allows to store, consult and update any Personal Pass systems data and setups. |