FCP Visitor Management Software

Visitors arrive at the reception desk, we know they are coming and we know whom they are seeing. We record LIVE what they say, we record how they behave, and we take a still database image, scan their ID document and produce a badge that clearly displays their name and destination. With the client labeled, everyone knows who they are seeing, staff can greet this visitor and direct them, all in the meeting are now on first name terms, business is "suddenly" easier!

  • Country:Mauritius
  • telephone:230-011 274 6665
Visitors arrive at the reception desk, we know they are coming and we know whom they are seeing.
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TG One Load Cell Data Acquisition Management Software

In the work, we often encounter the situation of using multiple sensors at the same time, and hope to save the collected data, so as to facilitate future inspection and analysis. For this reason, we designed the TG ONE data collection and management software to meet the needs ...

Come From Anhui Tianguang Sensor Co.,Ltd

IT Asset Management Software

The epidemic accelerated technological change into the era of Industry 4.0, and high-tech electronics industry manufacturers will be under continuous pressure to innovate and manage advanced production equipment in factories through smarter ways to further optimize maintenance ...

Come From ValueApex (Shanghai) Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Oil and Gas Asset Management Software

Maintenance is asset management system in oil and gas industry, without proper maintenance, assets deteriorate over time, more importantly, it can also impact the safety of the asset or the people that operate it. Maintenance-related incidents that injure personnel, damage ...

Come From ValueApex (Shanghai) Information Technology Co., Ltd.