Knowledge management provides a function of knowledge creation to systematically manage information required for work and make them more valuable.Once knowledge is created, it is evaluated by executives and employees.KMS gives some mileage points to each knowledge item - it is called " Knowledge mileage points" -by evaluation, inquiry and registration.KMS manages items that gained mileage points systematically so that they can create knowledge.KMS also provides a function of statistics of knowledge.The Knowledge management system is an institutional support to efficiently conduct knowledge management practice like Knowledge creation, sharing and application.It provides motivation for knowledge practice.The evaluation and compensation system is especially to appropriately and correspondingly compensate to organization members for the outcomes from Knowledge contribution activities so that the process is reactivated and maximizes te effect of knowledge management.The knowledge proposal system supports knowledge creation.The Inhouse expert system, Knowledge incentive system and Knowledge mileage system support sharing knowledge.The Q & A system and Internal certification system support Knowledge application
Knowledge management provides a function of knowledge creation to systematically |