Adept Series HPLC systems and modules offer top grade performance, are economically priced and designed for all applications including quality assurance, quality control, pharmaceutical and ion chromatography. Pumps, UV detectors and system control modules may be stacked vertically for the smallest possible space requirement or in lower profile where space permits.State of the art design, based on 30 years of HPLC design experience, is combined with up to the minute software, operating in the latest versions of MS-Windows, offering the easiest possible use with full system control and data processing. The major requirements for the majority of HPLC systems are a solvent delivery pump free from pulsation effects, a sensitive, stable UV-visible detector and powerful but easy to use control and data processing software.The Adept Series offers all these:The CE4100 dual piston, fully compensated solvent delivery pump with a new stepping motor drive and microprocessor control system offers accurately controlled flow rates from 0.001 to 10mL/min. The CE4200 dual wavelength UV-visible detector covers the wavelength range 190-700nm with exceptionally low noise,
Adept Series HPLC systems and modules offer top grade performance
Type: | Programming & Development |