Overview Description Features Technical Resources Avaya Call Management System provides the information and management tools customers need to monitor and analyze the performance of their contact center operations, showing where improvements are needed and where to take fast effective action. Support from Avaya Global ServicesAvaya Contact Center Consulting & Systems Integration provides theresources, expertise and tools needed to ensure customers properly integrate and deploy their contact center applications for optimal results. Avaya delivers the flexibility to select one service or an entire suite of services to match particular needs and technical expertise.For continuous, comprehensive and cost-effective coverage for Contact Center applications and solutions, Product Support Services help ensure maximum system performance, reliability and availability. It allows organizations to stay focused on core objectives while helping to ensure that their critical communications applications operate smoothly.What's New With This ReleaseAvaya CMS R15 offers a new SUN platform and reduced costs for adding processing power. It also includes a Solaris operating system refresh as well as a new version of ODBC.Business Benefits" Ability to, via the Microsoft Windows graphical user interface, monitor and move multiple agents easily with the use of a mouse versus a series of commands, while also giving customers the familiar look and feel and increased efficiency of the Microsoft Windows platform." Ability to run other PC applications while actively monitoring contact center conditions." Customized threshold and exception alerting, which can help contact center managers rapidly respond to changes within the contact center." Utilizing existing PC and LAN environments can help reduce costs, recover desk space, leverage infrastructure investments by eliminating the need for a separate terminal, and allow users to print reports on any network printer for which the user has permissions." Expanded mobility, with access to the CMS from the desktop or laptop PC, within the contact center or from remote locations via dial up access or local or wide area networks (LAN/WAN). Complete descriptionFEATURES Complete feature listTECHNICALRequirementsInteroperabilityReliability and PerformanceComplete Technical RESOURCESApplication Notes CSI Configuring Spectrum V-Display and Avaya Call Management System - Issue 1.0 (314kb) Configuring a Call Center Management Solution using TASKE Contact Server and Avaya Communication ManagerRunning on Avaya S8100 and S8300 Media Servers - Issue 1.0 (814kb) Complete resources Connect with Avaya Contact Avaya: 1 866 GO-AVAYA How to Buy Find Locations Events: InAAU Webinar: Supporting Avaya Communication Manager on a Cisco Network Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) 2009 More Events Get Support Documentation Training User Groups DevConnect More Support Promotions & Programs More Promotions& Programs Learn the Facts Whats key to enhancing productivity for people in a remote office or who work on the move? How can my business provide superior customer service in an economic downturn? More Facts Print friendly version Corporate | Press Room | Avaya Labs | Ecosystem
Call Management System