Organizations today want to deliver products better, faster, and cheaper than ever before in the competitive business environment - fuelled with ever-increasing information processing tools that are powered by state-of-the-art Internet/Intranet technologies. The importance of information in most organizations, which determines the value of database, has led to the development of a large body of concepts and techniques for the efficient and effective management of data and information. In concurrence with such a context, SEC - Systemic Enterprise Connector is developed involving both software and systems engineering. SEC is a management information system with powerful Enterprise Application Integration to meet large information processing needs in an enterprise from various functions/departments at bottom line or tactical level to strategic through policy levels at top line. SEC is a highly scalable and integrated intranet environment with robust systems that interplay addressing large data, information and time bound functions more specific to an IT enterprise. SEC covers enterprise functions/departments including Software development operations management (projects) Human resources General administration/management Business development/sales Corporate support Systems administration.The functions are dealt with applications that consist of systems with a collection of interrelated data and a set of modules to manage those data. SEC involves both the definition of structure for the storage of information and the provision of mechanism for the manipulation of information under policing, rigid security and access control.SEC applications at broad level include: PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (PMS) HUMAN RESOURCES INFORMATION SYSTEM (HRIS) MARKET INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM (MIS) ENTERPIRSE ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM (EAS) CORPORATE SUPPORT SYSTEM (CSS) SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION (SA) The configuration management framework is the cornerstone of SEC. Configuration control features in all the systems facilitate decision-making persons or groups of people across the enterprise or project hierarchy for evaluating and approving or disapproving elements or items in information transactions. In other words, all applications run in sync with decision powers of positions in the functional hierarchy of enterprise as a whole.For example under PMS each owner of a project goal/objective/initiative monitors the status of progress using spotlight colors (red, yellow, green). Green signifies that the performance met the target or is projected to meet to target. Yellow signifies that the performance is projected to miss the target, but a corrective action plan is in place. Whereas, red states that performance did not meet the target or is projected to not meet the target. If the status is yellow or red, a plan of action must be available for review and attention is given to the project goal/objective/initiative. PMS- PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is to manage and control complex software product development and maintenance life cycles. PMS supports technical users from entry level to decision-making level in the project life cycle with modules including a) Time Track, b) Project Process Meter and c) Defect/Bug Track. Project execution time estimation is determined along with allotment of tasks among the project work force. PMS interacts with modules under HRIS in order to match the appropriate person for a given task at an appropriate time. Project Process Meter (PPM) provides a comparison meter that checks the deviation by comparing the estimated time against actual time taken in order to monitor the progress of a task and/or overall product development. PPM interacts with Time Track. Time Track deals with tracking of time spent on tasks along with summaries on payable monthly attendance against actual monthly working days - which is used to generate pay slip for employee. The functionality includes logs of time spent on Task/Module/Activity/Project, Attendance Reporting, Defect ID Reporting. It interacts with Defect Track via Defect ID in order to log the time spent on fixing it. Defect Track helps to view the defects, maintain defect history and logs. It interacts with Time Track and Data Ware House. TOPHRIS - HUMAN RESOURCES INFORMATION SYSTEM manages functions of human resources department. HRIS consists of interconnected modules namely, a) Employee Information, b) Payroll, c) Attendance and Leaves, d) Employee Appraisal and e) Soft Skill Meter. Employee Appraisal includes classification of the workforce against performance. Performance measurement parameters include time spent on tasks, adherence to task deadlines, project progress presentations, individual performance, group performance, quality output and likewise. The attribute values for the parameters are taken as the base for employee appraisal online. HRIS modules interact with PMS. Soft skill track manages data on soft skills of an employee measured from inputs like presentation analysis, which is used for assessment of an employee in Employee Appraisal. Employee Information interacts with Employee Appraisal to keep the status of employee skill matrix up to date. Attendance and Leaves module keeps the record of types of leaves, Leave Requisitions/Sanctions, and provides with leave history reports. TOPMIS - MARKET INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM provides with modules that manage customer database, track sales cycles and customer accounts. MIS facilitates the framework for interfacing the various functions and processing extremely dynamic data/information in the business development or sales life cycle. MIS provides with the flexibility to, say, start with searching the market data from the database through any data entity and can go through the attributes and connect to another entity. For example the process starts with searching from the list of the companies from the database, select a particular company, find out whether that is identified as a prospect or an existing client. If it is a prospect then go to communication to find out what communication has been done at that point of time and then go one step back to find out the list of individuals engaged in the process and references thereby of the associated information (viz. email communication, documents, minutes of the teleconference or personal meetings and likewise). MIS also manages the functions outside business development department that require most common information/data. For example, payment information from the client should be available to the persons at accounts, finance, business development and top management. Further, the status of a project should be available with the project team as well as with business development - all of these while avoiding redundancy in data / information and corresponding management and reporting. TOPEAS - ENTERPRISE ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM provides with information processing modules catering to the requirements of general administration department. EAS has modules that cover a) Inventory Control, b) Infrastructure Utilization, c) Employee Travel Coordination, and d) Office Supplies (stores). Employee Travel Coordination deals with information relevant to travel. It records the travel requisition and sanction for the same. Access control for Employee Travel Coordination is defined in Employee Information. Inventory Control deals with over-all record and maintenance of organization resources. It creates masters, maintains stock and generates reports. Infrastructure Utilization deals with space utilization say usage of conference hall in terms of Booking, Allotment and reports on usage. Office supplies covers stationery requisitions, san
Systemic Enterprise Connector(SEC)