iCAS provides the carriers with all the necessary functionality to perform the following:Partner Management Manage multiple interconnect partner accounts and contacts Rates Management Maintain buy and sell rates Model new rate plans and analyze their impact on costs and revenues Carry out mass updates on rates Data Management Define origination and termination gateways Import wizards to map various types of event data feeds Manage multiple simultaneous event data feeds from different gateways Manage gateways and services Carrier Reconciliation Reconcile bills of interconnecting partners by matching event data records Define differences in time zones and tolerance levels for matching events Billing & Settlement Define multiple billing cycles Capture costs for traffic carried through interconnecting partners Settle accounts of interconnecting partners through receipts, payments and settlement adjustments for disputed items ReportingTraffic and management reports Query builder for creating user defined reports create user definable Off-the-shelf reports for LCR, revenue and traffic reports.
A Comprehensive, Wholesale Billing and Settlement Solution |