By using a digital stereo correlation algorithm the system extracts elevation values from stereo pair. The raster DEM can be created in the TopoL system for orthorectification. With extra module Atlas one can create flexible elevation models for orthorectification or generation of contour lines. This module includes a powerful engine for adding and editing breaklines and obligatory lines, displaying of hypsometry or slops etc.
Orthorectification removes the effects of relief displacement and imaging geometry from aerial photos. Orthorectified imagery has broad applications in the photogrammetric and GIS fields. Rectification can by done pixel by pixel or by triangles where the size of triangles is user defined. Grey values or colours can be calculated by Nearest Neighbourhood method or by Bilinear Interpolation. Orthorectified images can be joined into mosaics.
The system has got also extension to external Aerotriangulation module AeroSys.