View/Take Attendance
Report Cards
Online Fee submission/details
School time-table generator
Online Quiz
Student/Teachers Profile
School Bus details/tracking
Online leave application
Shopping Cart
Buy books/ apparels online
Discussion Forum
Internal Messaging System
School/Class Notices
Administrative features
Student Record Management.
Academic Records Management.
Attendance management.
Fees Management.
Stock Management.
Payroll Management.
Hostel Management.
Teacher Profile Management.
Comprehensive Reporting System.
Library Management.
Student / Teacher Identity Card Management System
Teachers can write in the remarks, feedback and answer the complains. They can even view their schedule which is set according to the time table data inserted into the timetable module of
Main Features:
SMS is a simple yet powerful one point integrated platform that connects all the departments of an institution namely office, fee counter, library, hostel, stores, academics, activity centre
and so on. It is a well-planned platform that offers endless features to all users to organize, interact, express, create, search, seek, store, cultivate and communicate The School Management System has 3 sections. Student / Parents Teachers / Class teachers Admin / Principal Parents can login into their accounts and vie the progress of their child. Attendance and grades with remarks and feedback makes the parent's module. Complain-box facility is available for parents to send an instant trouble ticket to teachers. |
Students can login to their accounts and view their syllabus, time-tables, attendance, grades in graphical mode, and mark sheets. Online discussion board allows them to post their problems & solutions can be provided over there.
The school management system being web based can be accessed from anywhere in the world, which enables the students, teachers, parents & the management be in touch with each other at all times.
School Management System(SMS) is a comprehensive web-based School Management Software. It is designed for better interaction between students, teachers, parents & management. This management software very gracefully handles all the requirements for easy school management.
School Management System(SMS) is a comprehensive web-based School Management Software.