Antikor? Security Server & Web Filtering, attracts attention with user friendly interface, performance and different features between its lots of
rivals that are imported. Each application was developed considering Turkey's neccesity during the research studying. Produced apllications was tested both great number of user and very high
internet output speed. Antikor? Project was begun to develop in 2006.
Rearch and Development staff takes form Electric & Electronic Engineers and Computer Engineers who graduated from Mersin University. They became experienced while
working in lots of firms and association in the Information sector.But Mersin University Information Processing Center is the most important one of them.Project team consists of active, energetic
and robust brains.
Research studying is being continued for producing different and successful product that has got same Technological Features and usage areas in the same category.
Gain of Antikor? Security & Web Filtering Project
Antikor? Security & Web Filtering Features:
Information Security is being very important recently, because of developing e-State application, increasing information crimes rapidly.Otherwise our government accepted the number of 5070 e-sign law and broadcasted (Turkish) in Public Newspaper. ePati? Information Technologies applied to TechnoScope with Antikor? Project and produced a security product for Small and Middle Size Business Enterprise due to insufficiency of local products.
Antikor? Security & Web Filtering
Web Security Server softwares