Main Features" Overall plant monitoring" Storage of temperature, humidity, pressure, alarms" Display and printing in numerical and graphic form of stored data" Export of stored data for Excel* or others" Diagnostics with dynamic graphs of all analog inputs" Virtual instrument for analysing the system and setting regulator parameters" Scheduling option for automatic management of defrost starts, light on/ light off times, controller standby" Direct sending of SMS to trace alarm status" Connection to remote PC for tele-servicing via Internet" Several languages available: English, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish etc.Available optionsAvailable as full optional as described above but also in a low cost version for data logging only. This low cost version replaces the HTD software. This version is called TAB LVApplicationsSupervision of the refrigeration process in supermarkets, convenience stores, shops, petrol stations, large kitchens, food factories, cruise ships etc.
Monitoring, logging and programming software |