Integrated control system for the management and optimization of the production process of continuous, machinery designed in collaboration with experts in paper. It ensures high quality and reliability of any installation, can also have the full control of the plant from a single workstation user-friendliness.QUALITY CONTROL = MORE QUALITYTop-down analysis of historical production data. - Real time control of all process variables. - Printed reports of order, reel, shift, day, historical production data. - Product classification. PRODUCTION OPTIMIZATION = MORE PRODUCTION - Abatement of percentages of rejects during production thanks to intelligent control of all the adjustment organs of the continuous machine. - Programmed production increase with a integrated system optimization. PRODUCTION STANDARDIZATION - Guarantee of a stable level of quality thanks also to the reduction of the incidence of human errors. - Alarms data logger for optimization of routine maintenance. SYSTEM FEATURES- Integral scalability and flexibility. - Specially designed adjustments for the paper industry. - Innovative production algorithms - Guarantee of operation even under critical conditions thanks to decentralization of the decisional organs to the PLC - Great adaptability for the instrument to any work- platform (even if obsolete conception).- All the software , hardware and mechanical parts are designed and builded in the BELTRONIX laboratories. - Direct costumer service.