GIS allows user plug in any number of reporting dimensions.
Geographical dimension use dynamic and interactive maps in svg format which allows user drill up
Master Facility Managament (MFM) is designed for enterprises with developed social, technical, communication and transport infrastructure and also for companies with semi activity
The platform target is to improve the entrepreneurship management process. After a couple of months of implementation it is possible to notice decreasing the exploitation equipment costs and
expanding resource efficiency in your company.
Platform provides access to detailed information of all components and indicates actual condition devices.
Master Facility Managament (MFM) - The Facilities Management solution gives an integrated support to all technical activities (design, realization, control and maintenance) for an
integrated management of complex systems (building, industrial plant and utilities).
The Master Facility Managament (MFM) platform provides an integrated and non-invasive solution, which allows to represent and manage any complex system's components, whether the system is a
building, an industrial plant or utility, and any technical activity which generates, modifies or maintains those components.
SITE MODEL: it allows to logically divide the complex system through a physical or logical hierarchical structure (areas, sub-areas, sub-sub-areas, etc) where it will be
possible to locate items.
DATA MODEL: it allows to parametrically defining any item (physical or logical) it is intended to manage.
USER INTERFACE: through simplified masks it is possible to visualize the information related to each component. Those masks can be accessed through Data Model, or Site Model, if components are