5h +
First Installation
Man Power
Install Master Disk
Traditional PC setup:
DDS time/cost comparison with Traditional PC Setup (100 PCs First Year)
To make a difference in LAN games and 3D game, it all depends heavily on the processing speed from CPU, graphic card processing speed and hard disk
read/write speed as we all know. DDS uses a high performance RAID0 hard disk and virtually all clients PC will be able to enjoy the performance offered by
RAID0 without the expensive cost to setup RAID0 in each client PC. DDS is able to cache frequently used data and transfer it over the network quickly. This
improves client performance and reduces the CPU usage needed to read/write local hard disk.
By using DDS, this kind of problem can now be avoided. Just a simple reboot and the PC will be up and running again just like new. Since the Client PCs
does not contain a local hard disk, any abnormal shutdown or reboot won't cause any hard disk data corruption that would render it unbootable/unstable.
A typical Cybercafe always has 5%-10% number of PCs that is not operational, usually due to hard disk failure, data corruption or hard disk bad sectors.
They are often labeled "Under maintenance" or "Broken" which wouldn't benefit the Cybercafe owner.
DDS offers data backup, and data restoration functions. This will greatly reduce the time and cost due to human errors, virus infections, system failures,
data deletion, spyware infections and data errors due to corruption. This too lightens technician's work load and improves system uptime.
Advantages of DDS over a normal local hard disk-based Cybercafes.
DDS is highly suitable for Cybercafes because DDS can have constant performance even for over a long period of operation time (even if the Cybercafes is
open for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Many local Cybercafes are now using DDS and the Cybercafes business operations are still running at top notch up
until now. This is an important advantage over other Cybercafes solutions which are using unreliable technology that were developed in a short period of
time. Such unreliable Cybercafes solutions often leads to system crash, hang, data corruption, slow performance, inefficient ways of updating system
software or games, difficulty to maintain Client PCs conditions. Many of this 3rd party solution will be supersede by DDS, as DDS is able to perform all
the same task but with unquestionable stability.
The important breakthrough with this technology is a centralized management, a centralized storage, and a centralized maintenance on the hard disk in the
DDS server system. At the same time, DDS maintains full compatibility over local hard disk. OS, games and application will run normally in each client PC
without any compatibility issue or interruption. Client hardware like CPU, graphic card, sound card, RAM, all will work normally under diskless Client PCs
without any special configurations on the Client PCs. DDS also uses a high performance RAID0 hard disk and virtually all clients PC will be able to enjoy
the performance offered by RAID0 without the expensive cost to setup RAID0 in each client PC.
DDS uses the iSCSI technology to enable diskless working environment for client PC, eliminating the need for a local hard disk in each client PC, which
gives more benefits over local hard disk. Each client PC will access all the data needed from the DDS server, including OS, games, applications, movies,
and music.
Advance and Leading Technology