By clicking the related links in Illustrated Parts Data (IPD) and Instructions, vectorial formatted (CGM) mechanical and electronics drawings can be viewed in a seperated window; related parts and groups are highlighted (hotspot) interactively. Actions like Zooming in/out, Panning, Magnify, Print, etc. can be performed on the vectorial illustrations by simple mouse clicks or keyboard shortcuts.
Navigated documents can be printed by previewing and also opened by Adobe Acrobat Reader in PDF format after being formatted according to header, footer, page number and margin specifications of S1000D standard.
The navigation of the XML documents and related illustrations is very easy by selecting the nodes of the system tree or using toolbar buttons and shortcuts. User can reach the maintenance instructions, spare parts, troubleshooting and test information interrelatedly by browsing through the system or performing verbal search.
According to its technical content and main features, IEFMM is the first and single software application compliant to ASD S1000D standard in Turkey. The software program has the user interface capabilities of IETP defined by S1000D standard. System topics are presented hierarchically in a breakdown manner according to DMC and SNS coding structure.
IEFMM (Interactive Electronic Field Maintenance Manual); is a modular, extensible and modern software tool applying the latest technologies which is integrated by using ASELSAN HT-7243 Field Maintenance Manual, related Spare Parts Catalog and mechanical/electronics technical drawings. Thus, IEFMM is presented to users as an efficient software tool allowing the maintenance staff to access the necessary technical data very rapidly.
IEFMM (Interactive Electronic Field Maintenance Manual); is a modular, extensible and modern software tool applying ASD S1000D.
Compound Mode: | Stand Alone |
Place of Origin: | Turkey |
Type: | Integrated Logistics Support |