About the site LeoChat is an open, free and global and site for youngsters, teens or any age group. Here you don't need tomake your user account, login, registration or fill lengthy
applicationforms and provide your email address for verification. It containsready made and users' created chatrooms. This site provides facility toCreate a desired chatroom without any
Features Of LeoChat
Mobile Phone Compatible All-mostall mobile phones supports LeoChat. So you need not to worry aboutbreaking your conversations. There is no need of any installation offlash, java or any application
that slows down your mobile phone.LeoChat is a complete web application. Just GPRS/Internet compatibilityis required.Free and Mobile Chat LeoChatserves you to stay in touch with your friends and
fellows, whenever andwhere ever you want. Because this service is absolutely free for youpeople. Free in both sense, free of cost and free to be connected fromwhere you want.Create your own
Chatroom Ifyou are not satisfied with the name of a chatroom in which you want tochat, then simply create your own chatroom, having a name of your ownchoice.Themes Change the color combination in
preferences when ever you want to have change.Smilies A smiley worth thousand lolzzz. Chat with both words and smiles to express your emotions.Preferences All of us want tohave a customized site.
We like to see a color combination of our ownchoice, date & time of our own region and format of our own desire.Keeping all in mind, LeoChat is providing its users, the facility tochange theme
(color scheme), date and time format and even number ofmessages in chatroom.Previous Messages If you driftinto a conversation, you need not to ask anonymous chatter that whatare the talking about.
Just scroll down and turn the pages over to knowwhats going on.Search Chatrooms If you wantto chat in a specific room or your friend has told you about achatroom, then just enter into chatrooms
page and write the requiredname in the search form. Be there on time your friend might be waitingfor you there.Spam Control You might beafraid of bulk writers or spamers because your mobile screen
in toosmall to bear such content. Be relaxed, there is a strong spam guardthat will protect you.Advertisement Opportunity Be advertised in a public chatroom where people read what you write.
LeoChat is an open and free Mobile & PC Chat site. Making account, logging in or registration is not required. |