All models use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) transport, the secure access protocol built into every standard web browser. SSL sessions enable ordinary PCs to be able to securely access an organization's resources without the cost and complexity of installing, configuring, and maintaining client software for each user. The temporary VPN connections that SSL browsers establish also eliminate the firewall and Network Address Translation (NAT) issues of traditional remote access products.
Juniper Networks SSL VPNs lead the market with a complete range of SSL VPN appliances, with form factors and features tailored to meet the remote-access needs of companies of all sizes. Juniper Networks SSL VPNs are based on the Instant Virtual Extranet (IVE) platform, which uses SSL, the security protocol found in all standard Web browsers. The use of SSL eliminates the need for client-software deployment, changes to internal servers, and costly ongoing maintenance and desktop support. Juniper Networks SSL VPN secure-access appliances combine the overall benefit of a lower total cost of ownership over traditional IPSec client solutions, with unique end-to-end security features.
SEcure VPN Solution
Product highlights
The Juniper systems are also superior to the latest generation of in-line intrusion prevention systems because they provide administrators with the network awareness and context needed to be able to pinpoint new attacks and deploy the effective protection without trial and error.
Juniper Networks IDP systems are different from others. Unlike passive intrusion detection systems that generate tremendous numbers of false positives and rely on human intervention to take action, Juniper's IDP solutions use advanced detection methods that weed out most spurious positives and can drop malicious traffic before it causes damage.
The Juniper Networks Intrusion and Prevention (IDP) solutions provide in-line attack prevention against worms, viruses, and Trojans. Armed with multiple methods of detection and attack signature customization capabilities, they are the first systems to integrate both network-layer and application-layer traffic profiling with effective closed-loop incident investigation capabilities.
Juniper Networks IDP appliances combine in-line attack prevention with application-layer traffic profiling and powerful incident investigation capabilities
Juniper Networks IDP not only helps protect networks against attacks, it also provides information on rogue servers and applications that may have been added unknowingly added to the network. Juniper Networks IDP provides administrators with visibility into specific applications and assets that are present and/or being used on the network and how, when, and by whom they are being used. Administrators can have the Juniper Networks IDP enforce application usage policies or simply check to see if the current use of the network and resources meets the desired application policies. A centralized, rule-based management approach offers granular control over the system's behavior with easy access to extensive auditing and logging, and fully customizable reporting.
The Juniper Networks Intrusion Detection and Prevention products (Juniper Networks IDP) provide comprehensive and easy to use protection against current and emerging threats at both the application and network layer. Using industry recognized stateful detection and prevention techniques, Juniper Networks IDP provides zero day protection against worms, Trojans, spyware, keyloggers, and other malware. The Juniper Networks IDP can be quickly and confidently deployed inline to effectively identify and stop network and application-level attacks before they inflict any damage, minimizing the time and costs associated with intrusions.
IPS Solution
Security Solution Portfolio
The Juniper Networks Firewall / IPSec VPN security devices are purpose-built to perform essential security functions. These integrated devices combine a Stateful Inspection firewall with Deep Inspection technology for application-level protection, IPSec virtual private networking (VPN) capabilities, and denial of service (DoS) mitigation functions. Plus they are all manageable by a policy-based central management system, NetScreen-Security Manager. They are available in a range of devices built to meet the throughput requirements of enterprises of all sizes.
Firewall Solution
Security and Safety Products