CommercialLayer Farm Management
CommercialBroiler Farm Management
FeedMill Management
BreederFarm Management
Modules in Flockticus:-
Flockticus is complete poultry management software built using state-of-the-art technology. Flockticusis a web enabled application built to manage and track the completeoperations of a poultry set
up at a single location or at multiplelocations.Flockticus now lets you manage your poultry operations in amuch simpler but an extremely efficient manner. Its quite simple You run
your business, Flockticus helps you run it efficiently.
Poultry Resource Management Software-Breeder Farm, Feed Mill, Hatchery, Commercial Broiler / Layer Farm, Accounts, Projections
Compound Mode: | Integrated System |
Place of Origin: | Karnataka India |
Model Number: | 2.0 |
Brand Name: | Flockticus |
Type: | ERP |