CompTIA A+ Certification program consists of two exams, the CompTIA 220-601 Essentials, and one elective from the three offered specialization tracks: the 220-602 IT Technician, the 220-603 Help
Desk Technician, or the 220-604 Depot Technician.
Our study aid prepares you for passing the required tests to get the CompTIA A+ Certificate. We have created the practice test exams according to the official sylabi published on the CompTIA
website. We have made sure that you will get the top quality study material with at least four times more information than any other test preparation program on the market.
The questions reflect real scenarios that our experts have had on the field. You will receive an enormous amount of information and you will learn just as if you were at the workbench with our
experts, fixing, upgrading and tweaking PCs, printers, network settings etc.
We guarantee that with the knowledge you will get from our training materials, you will be more than prepared to pass the CompTIA A+ exams, and you will also have a strong knowledge base for your
real job challenges.
The material will be regularly updated with new scenario cases to ensure that the information you learn is up to date and relevant in your work.
The CompTIA A + Practice Test Exam is a training software for preparing for the exams required to get the CompTIA A + Certificate.
Compound Mode: | Integrated System |
Place of Origin: | United Kingdom |
Brand Name: | Synergy4IT |
Type: | Networking & Server |