Onboard Interfaces
- 6 Digit Seven Segment Displays
- 16x2 Alphanumeric LCD Display with backlit.
- 4x4 Keys Keyboard Matrix.
- On-board ISP Programmer for Piggy Bag Modules
- 12 Nos. of EWSN Status LED.
- 8 bit ADC using ADC 0804
- 8 bit DAC using DAC0800
- Four Data Switches
- 8 way DIP Switch Array
- Stepper Motor Controller with 0.25kgcm Stepper Motor (Optional)
All ports of Piggy Bag Module is available on two 26 pin FRC Polarized connector
- Cross C COMPILER for 8051 Family (Optional)
- Cross C COMPILER for PIC MICROCHIP Family (Optional)