HSB-800I targets the common industrial applications include factory automation systems and production process control devices. If you are looking for a cost-effective and reliable
solution for your essential application, HSB-800I definitely is your first choice.
HSB-800I supports onboard DDR400 system memory up to 128MB and the chipset of HSB-800I is AMDLX800 +CS5536. For the display function, the VGA controller is integrated to the AMD LX 800 processor that supports CRT and LCS simultaneous display. Moreover, 2D/3D graphics accelerator has been integrated to provide higher performance to graphic processing. The LCD interface is up to 24-bit and support LVDS/TTL LCD.
ISA Half-size SBC with AMD LX800 Processor
Main Feature AMD LX800 Processor
AMD LX800 + CS5536
Onboard 128MB DDR400 Memory
10/100Base-TX Ethernet x 1 or Gigabit Ethernet x 1 (Optional)
Integrated 2D/3D Graphics Accelerator, VGA Support, CRT, TFT/ LVDS Support
AC97 Codec Audio Daughter Board (Optional)
Ultra ATA33 x 1, CompactFlashType II x 1
USB2.0 x 4, COM x 4, Parallel x 1, IrDA x 1, Digital I/O
PC/104 Expansion
+5V, +12V Only Operation, AT
Application Industry Automation
Factory Automation
Control Box
Banking machine
Introduction Specifications Ordering Information
AAEON releases the economic half-size Single Board Computer (SBC) HSB-800I, which is designed to target the industrial control and automation market. HSB-800I is based on AMD LX800 processor,
which features the low power consumption and faster heat spreading to ensure the performance of the product.