Diamond's product line also includes following Processor Module families:
Embedded-Ready Subsystems
Other Processor Module Familes
> > See our Single Board Computers comparison chart < <
Athena II
Small Format SBC with 500-800MHz VIA Mark CPU and Integrated Autocalibrating Data Acquisition
PC/104 SBC with 300-800MHz Vortex86 CPU and Integrated Autocalibrating Data Acquisition
Hercules II
EBX SBC with 800MHz VIA Eden CPU, Integrated Autocalibrating Data Acquisition, and DC/DC Power Supply
Rugged, Low Power PC/104-Plus SBC with 500MHz AMD Geode LX800
EPIC SBC with 1-2GHz VIA C7 CPU, On-Board Memory and Autocalibrating Data Acquisition
Low-Cost, Low-Power AMD Geode LX800 PC/104 SBC with CRT/LCD, LAN and CompactFlash
Click below for access to detailed product information:
Single Board Computers
Our extensive line of compact, rugged Single Board Computers (SBCs) is based on a wide range of power/performance microprocessors, ranging the 300MHz Vortex86SX to Intel's latest Atom and Core 2
Duo CPUs. These products conform to popular embedded form-factors like PC/104, PC/104-Plus, EPIC, EBX, and ETX. Built-in interfaces include standard functions, such as VGA/LCD graphics, USB,
Ethernet, serial ports, parallel, IDE, SATA, floppy, keyboard/mouse, and audio. Additionally, many of our SBCs are unique in their inclusion of on-board data acquisition features. Most products
support -40 to +85 degrees C and +5V-only operation as standard features, and many are available in fanless versions for enhanced reliability.
Our extensive line of compact, rugged Single Board Computers (SBCs) is based on a wide range of power/performance microprocessor |