Packing: Bulk
Hyper-Threading (HT): No Hyper-Threading (HT) Technology
HyperTransport bus technology: no HyperTransport bus technology
Virtualization (Virtualization): No Virtualization (virtualization) technology
64-bit computing: does not support 64-bit computing
Multimedia instruction sets: MMX, SSE, SSE2
TDP power consumption: 21W
Energy-saving technology: no support for non-energy-saving technology
Function parameters
Bus frequency: 400MHz
2 cache: 1024K L2
1 Cache: 32KB +32 KB
Multiplier: 16X
Frequency: 1.6GHz
Core Voltage: 1.26V
Production Process: 0.09um
Core Name: Dothan
Interface type: Socket 479
Core Quantity: Single-core
Main use: Notebook
Model: Celeron M 380 (1.6G)
The main parameters
Interface type: Socket 479 / Core Quantity: Single-core / core name: Dothan / Production Process: 0.09um / frequency: 1.6GHz /
Minimum Order Quantity: | 20 Set/Sets |
Payment Terms: | L/C,T/T,Western Union,MoneyGram |
Port: | HongKong |
Fob Price: | US$15-50HongKong |
Place of Origin: | Taiwan |
Model Number: | Celeron M 380(1.6G) |
Brand Name: | Intel |
L2 Cache: | 1024K |
Processor Brand: | Intel |
Application: | Laptop |