FrogPad One-handed Keyboards-FrogPad Right Handed Keyboard
Product Details
FrogPad Left Handed Keyboard
Frog Pad One Handed Keyboard - $170 Summary: In our opinion the FrogPad is a fun choice for the
TWO HANDED user who likes to play with electronic devices. It is not a good option for a One Hand Typist.
Disadvantages of Using The FrogPad
The Frog Pad is held in one hand, if you have a disability of the hand, how can you then type with your good hand, and also hold the Frogpad with that same good hand?
The Frog Pad users we spoke too are all MUCH slower at typing than s omeone who
Although portable, a Frog Pad it is no more portable than the normal, but Also, the user needs to carry their keyboard with them to every job, class, or home they go to, rather than
Once a user is adpet at using a normal keyboard, they are able to type on almost all normal keyboards, regardless of the size. If they become adept at using a Frog Pad, they have no
transferable skill and must always carry the FrogPad with then
If the user becomes adept at using the FrogPad (we have never actually spoken to anyone who gain any real speed with it), the user will - out of nessity still use a normal keyboard often.
They will now use two keyboards -- however neither with any speed or skill.
It is faster to hunt and peck on a normal keyboard than hunting and pecking on a FrogPad, and it is much, MUCH faster to type with one hand on normal keyboard once you have practiced the
drills for typing with one hand than trying to type on a FrogPad,
At the FrogPad user group, users say they only achieved 4 words per minute in 10 hours versus the 40 wpm the FrogPad manufacturers say their users can achieve. The average one hand typist on
a normal keyboard
If FrogPad goes out of business and your FrogPad breaks, how will the One Handed Frog Pad user then type?