Advantages of Using The Matron One Handed Keyboards (from their advertisements)
- The Matron One Handed Keyboard is Portable
- The Matron One Handed keyboards have Push-On Push-Off keys for Shift, Control and Alt functions;
- For intensive number work the number pad numbers are also grouped on the letters keys.
- Either letters or numbers may be immediately selected by pressing a separate button.
Disadvantages of Using The Maltron One Handed Keyboards
- Although they say it is faster, the majority of users are slower than those who use
- If Maltron goes out of business and your Maltron One Handed Keyboard breaks, how will the One Handed Maltron user type?
- Although portable, the user needs to carry their keyboard with them to every job, class, or home they go to, rather than using the .
- There are not many users who actually become adept at using the Maltron, it is hard to be sure, but it seems be to slower trying to type on a Matron One Handed Keyboard than
learning to
Note!I am a one-handed typist. I strongly feel if you have good use of one hand, you must first try to learn a system which enables you to work study, and play on a standard, normal
keyboard. In the long run you will type fast and have a skill which you can use at school, work and at play. This one hand typing system is called This method teaches the one hand user to
type on a normal keyboard, with one hand, just as fast as he would on an adaptive keyboard.Speaking as an adult who once was that 10 year old fighting the stuff that goes on in the mind
of a young person with a hand disability, I know it is MANDATORY that you do NOT try alternatives to the standard keyboard if the child has full use of one hand.