TVS Champ Bilingual ensures advanced user comfort with its soft touch keys, ergonomic Palm Rest and free software that makes the keyboard speak your language! Its 107 keys include three extra keys
for Power Management; Power, Sleep and wake Keys.
TVS Champ Bilingual is available in all Indian languages to enable the user to use his PC in his own language. In-house laser etching enables TVS-E to supply Bilingual keyboards in a variety of
layouts. Made on the TVS Champ (Membrane) platform, TVS Champ Bilingual keyboard combines the unique language feature with free language word processing software.
The language combinations are English with either Devanagri / Tamil / Telugu / Kannada / Malayalam / Gujarati / Punjabi / Bengali. These keyboards are available in the government approved INSCRIPT
layout as well as the commonly used TYPEWRITER layouts. With In- house laser etching facility, TVS-E also possesses the expertise to provide flexibility in layout and language according to customer
requirement. Bilingual Keyboards are bundled with Indian Language Word processing Software.
TVS Champ Bilingual ensures advanced user comfort with its soft touch keys |