Accessories: wall tilting bracket, ceiling bracket, table rotating pedestal, table mini feet.
Technical features: professional Multimedia Monitor, Brightness: 500 Cd/mq, Contrast ratio: 2.000:1 (typical), 5.000:1 (dynamic), Response time: 8msec, Resolution: 1366x768 (16/9).
Frame colors: Black.
Front Crystal: with available optional anti-glare treatment.
Frame: extruded aluminum
The Self-Diagnostic software function provides to the user the opportunity to apply a remote or checking phase, which allows a perfect upgrading and checking of the most important monitors
functionalities, such as fans control, back light check, stand by or general running status, etc.
Technology highlights: Multimedia LCD TFT 40" Monitor with reinforced steel and aluminum structure and aluminum cabinet, dedicated to professional applications, which require
fire-proof, water-proof materials.
The HD ready monitor is also provided of a special software checking functionality, named Self-Diagnostic function, which is necessary to directly control the perfect device running and the status
of the first and most important technical functionalities and features.
Technology: 40" LCD TFT monitor dedicated to the following applications:
LCD 40" SQ HD MONITOR Technology: 40" LCD TFT monitor dedicated to the following applications: |