4) 3D animation production..
3) Engineering design
2) Medical
1) Photogrammetry
7) Free from influence of light sources from the surroudings.
6) LCD panels and other important compotents safely sealed inside
5) No trouble for alignment adjustments (alignment is set at factory)
4) No assembly required
3) More light and contrast, resulting in improved picture clarity
2) Plug and play
1) much higher resolution than a single LCD 3D monitor
Benefits of True3Di monitor.
Sizes available : 19", 22", 24", 26", 40"
for many hours.
- ideal for professionals who have to work with 3D monitors
of resolution or flickering
- designed to deliver stunning 3D images without a drop
Half mirror type Dual LCD stereoscopic monitor,
19" 3D stereoscopic LCD monitor for photogrammetry, animation production, medicine, engieering and other specialty applications.