The ad monitor without tuner, no remote control,just basic media-player built in,SD-card reader built in, 1 usb port and 1 PC-input port , all ports are locked by a plastic cover, no futher
> output 2x 3W
> basic volume control
> LCD or TFT
> pitch ca. 0.258 mm
- > min. respons 16 ms
- > view angle H/V 85?/65?
- > sizes: 15, 17, 19, 22
> 1 pcs USB
- > 1 SD-CARD reader
- > 1 PC-input D15
- > all ports are covered by plastic cover
> manual ON/OFF-switch
- > programable on autoplay only
( basic media-player )
- > no remote control
- > no tuner or TV-function
- > guaranteed life-time 10.000 hr ( 20 hr per day )
- > power 100-240V, 50-60Hz
> casing can be metal or plastic
The ad monitor without tuner,no remote control,just basic media-player built in,SD-card reader built in,1usb port and 1 PC-input