Additional possibilities:
calculation of the subjects activation level;
comparison of diagrams for several subjects;
printing out GDV-images, histograms tables and diagrams.
analysis of functional state of the subjects versus a practically healthy person;
showing the results as circular diagrams divided into sectors related to certain parts of human body (moving the mouse cursor on the plot causes bubble help about the current sector);
plotting histograms of integral parameters:
- The integral area is characterized by three levels:
Norm indicates normal activity of human body and psychic ;
below the norm a weakening of functional stability of vital activity processes and psychic;
above the norm an extreme mode of body functioning that can bring to overloading and dysfunction of human systems and organs.
- Integral entropyindicates the functioning state of cell, organ or human body:
normal entropy characterizes active progress of all reactions and processes of vital activity;
an increase of entropy indicates the emergence of new processes leading to cell or organ activity.
a decrease of entropy indicates the inhibition of all redox reactions, reactions of catabolism and anabolism, i.e, switching off many components from the system, cessation of various
reactions, disappearance of the field for their development. This state can be observed if there is some pathology, e.g, during atrophy changes, but also in normal conditions (during
sleep). Energy decrease can be observed e.g., against depletion when there are no transformation products and all reserves have been spent.
- Activation coefficientindicates the level of psychic state of human;
presentation of data as a table.
Purpose: analysis of functional state of the subjects versus a practically healthy person |