All Satisfied customers we have not lost a single customersince our inception.
9. Multiple resources work on single accounts to ensure that theenvironment understanding is covered across engineer pools.
8. Every urgency big or small is appreciated by us.
7. Whenever needed we have ensured that our resources have even worked overnight to solve certain failure patterns that are observed through periodicmonitoring?
6. Critical data accidentally deleted has been restored much to the surpriseof our clients. This means a 100 percent strong data backup plan and execution.
5. Its never been that a call reported has never been answered norignored.
4. We protect your PC environment from virus attacks, Trojans, spywares andother malicious attacks
3. We are very close to delivering a cent percent uptime across all our clients.
2. This model has been carefully tried and tested and under constantinnovation to ensure minimum down time and trouble free environment.
1. It is not only about what is covered within the scope of work but mostimportantly the methodology and execution sequence of operations helps usensure a smooth trouble free environment.
We are providingon site annual maintenances of computers and laptops.
Why our Maintenance Service?
Computer & Laptop AMC for just rs. 1500/- with 4 hrs. response time and NBD resolution time.With free License antivirus |